Why Age?
LIMUZ6 Affects Aging Systematically
The future of nutritional science lies not in merely
supporting one body system as if it functioned
independently of the others but in supporting the
major systems simultaneously. LimuZ6
is a unique discovery of a new generation, adaptogenic
medicine that patients are using for balancing and
strengthening each of the body’s major systems.
Evidence suggests that premature aging, including
chronic degenerative maladies, is not the inevitable
consequence of aging but rather the result of the
individual’s Neuro-Endocrine-Immune (NEI) and
Aging systems reacting to our stressful environment.
All of us have the capacity to live to one hundred
in health with the right biochemical nurturing.
Systems LimuZ6 Addresses:
NEUROLOGICAL Mood, memory and clear mental
focus are all functions of your neurological system.
When the nervous system weakens, it negatively affects
different areas of the body. An individual can become
insulin-resistant, muscle loses tone and the body starts
to take on an apple shape. Cholesterol, triglycerides,
and blood pressure increase, fatigue sets in and
sleep becomes restless. Short-term memory loss
becomes prevalent. The risk of circulatory issues rises.
ENDOCRINE The hormonal or endocrine system
controls everything from hot flashes to testosterone
levels, from metabolic function to the repair and
regeneration cycles of our cells. As we age, the
hormonal levels change and the ability to repair and
regenerate is reduced. But it need not be a weak
link with the proper supplementation.
IMMUNE ctious bacteria, viruses and fungi, out of
the body and to destroy any microorganisms that do
invade. Impaired immune performance causes the
body to fall prey to serious infections, injury, parasites
and other organisms. Our immune system becomes less
effective at detoxification and the body cannot rid itself
of the toxins that build up. It takes a little longer to
recover from small maladies and we become
more vulnerable with every illness.
AGING Aging of the body is dramatically affected
by Growth Hormone and the Insulinlike Growth
Factor-1 (IGF-1) superfamily. These small, hormone
like substances known as peptides are part of a super
family of 87 additional proteins that influence how
all cells develop, function and maintain their
youthfulness. The superfamily represents substances
that not only direct processes within cells but
also keep them under control.
Clinoptilolite is a crystalline mineral structure made
up of honeycombs; it can remove heavy metals from
the environment and is used in the same way for
human health.
An article in Journal of the International Society of
Sports Nutrition suggests this super detox agent can
effectively regulate a messenger chemical called
zonulin that regulates tissue inflammation. When levels
are high this indicates a malfunction: low-normal
zonulin levels mean less inflammation. Some 52
endurance trained men and women, 20-50 years,
received 1.85 g of Clinoptilolite-rich zeolite
per day or placebo for 12 weeks.
After 12 weeks, zonulin was significantly decreased
in the supplemented group. “Twelve weeks of
zeolite supplementation exerted beneficial effects
on intestinal wall integrity as indicated via …
mild anti-inflammatory effects…
For a steel-trap mind, I want all of my adult patients
to begin using acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC), which is freely
exchanged across cell membranes and provides acetyl
groups from which to regenerate acetyl-CoA, a vital
memory nutrient. First considered a vital memory agent
because of its structural similarity to acetylcholine, reports
The Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
ALC is also able to reverse nerve damage in areas of
the front lobe and remove brown lipofuscin (cellular
debris) accumulation in aged brains, even improving
learning and memory performance. ALC protects the
aged mitochondria, the energy factories of the brain
cells. ALC is considered a neuroprotective agent,
especially in preventing dementia,because of the
following properties: (a) antioxidant action;
(b) mitochondrial energy supply; (c) membrane
stability function; and (d) nerve impulse transmission enhancement.
LIMU: The Longevity Supernutrient
There is an island off the coast of Okinawa called Hachi Jo,
known as the Island of Longevity. The island has a reputation
for producing a disproportional number of centenarians—
people who live over 100 years of age. In fact, the residents
are rarely infected with aging diseases such as cancer,
irregular blood pressure, strokes, cardiac infarction or
Researchers questioned their superior longevity,
vigor, disease resistance and bodily strength and
stature. Their longevity and health was attributed,
in part, to their consumption of limu, one of the
motherlode ingredients in LimuZ. Recent studies
credit continuous consumption of seaweed (limu)
in providing the people of Hachi Jo with a distinct
advantage over the rest of the world’s population.
Brown seaweed is shown to keep the body free from
radioactive contaminants, reduce cancer risk, fight weight
gain, cell mutations and heavy metal accumulation.
Known as “Mother’s Milk from the Sea,” limu
(Laminaria Japonica) supplies: 6 immuno-
stimulating glyconutrients (fucose, galactose,
glucose, mannose, N-acetylglucosamine and xylose);
polyphenol antioxidants; organic iodine to regulate
the thyroid metabolism; the carotenoids fucoxanthin
and fucoidan for protection from cancer and obesity;
and theheavy metal and radiation binder, algin.
LimuZ6 is made of the equivalent of 40 pounds of
limu condensed down to one pound, a 40:1 ratio, to
give some of the highest concentrations available.
Fucoidan occurs in seaweed between 2.5 and 4%.
The concentration in LimuZ is above 90%.
LIMU’S ANTI-AGERS Polyphenols:
• Fight degenerative diseases and aging on a cellular level
• Protect cells from malignant replication and damage
• Reduce high blood sugar and cholesterol levels
• Detoxify the body of heavy metals, free radicals
and toxins
• Improve the structure and growth of hair, skin
and nails
• Boost gastrointestinal function Fucoidans
• Enhance immunity
• Fight allergies
• Maintain blood anti-clotting
• Keep cholesterol levels normal
• Regulate blood pressure
• Stabilize blood sugar
• Prevent ulcers by fighting Heliobactor pylori bacteria
• Relieve stomach disorders
• Improve liver function
• Support skin moisture and tighten the skin
• Detoxify the body of heavy metals and dangerous
• Have antiviral, antibacterial and anticancer properties
• Supports normal metabolism and optimal thyroid
Colostrum or first milk is the golden fluid that all
mammals receive on birth and that is a source of
immune and growth factors, hormones,
immunoglobulins, peptides, proteins and enzymes.
Colostrum is an immune regulator and educates the
white blood cells to resist illness. It is a fundamental
anti-aging food.
95+ Immune Factors
• Proline-rich polypeptide (PRP)—regulate the immune
system. Extremely important for those suffering from
autoimmune diseases and interested in preventing
Alzheimer’s onset.
• Immunoglobulins—antibodies that fight viruses, parasites
and bacteria
• Thymosin—shown to develop, activate and maintain the
seat of your immune system, the thymus gland
• Transfer factors—works on deep tissue microorganisms
like tuberculosis
87 Growth Factors and Anti-aging Peptides:
• Fight premature aging—reduces fat, renews skin, bones,
heart, lung, liver, encreases energy, lean muscle mass,
sex drive
• Help with muscle strength, skin texture, skin elasticity,
new hair growth, flexibility, emotional stability, memory
and menstrual cycle regulation
• Encourage the body’s Natural Killer (NK) cells to
fight disease
• Stimulate the production of B-cells in the immune system.
B-cells produce antibodies against the disease organisms
we are exposed to and enable the immune defenses to act
as soon as they are recognized
• Mobilize white blood cells to better engulf and destroy
infectious microorganisms, known as phagocytosis
See what people are saying about LimuZ6
“I started taking LimuZ6 over a month ago.... I
immediately noticed that my breathing was deeper and fuller
and the wheezing noise that I heard at night was now gone.
I also noticed that I had more energy, more restful sleep and
a feeling of well-being. The biggest thing was a knot on my
jaw line the size of a small grape and another under my chin,
the size of a walnut, had been there for a few years. After
one month of taking the product, they are gone completely.
Oh by the way, inches have come off my body and people
notice it. A wonderful total package for wellness.”
—Darryl Thomas, Sr.
”When younger, I had surgery on both knees and, at
53 years, they were aching several hours every morning.
I was on mega-doses of ibuprofen. But when my doctor
suggested I begin using LimuZ6 the aching, stiffness and
pain in my knees disappeared within10 days. I slept better,
waking refreshed and rested with a more positive attitude
and energy.
Over the years I had increased my daily soft
drink consumption to two and sometimes three
bottles per day, trying to overcome fatigue from
lack of sleep but now the caffeinated poisons were
causing premature memory loss. LimuZ6 detoxified
my brain and supplied it with energy compounds for
improved cognitive function and, I believe,
will add years of health to my life.
LimuZ6 was giving me the energy and alertness all
day long that I was trying to get from caffeinated soft
drinks. Now I feel much better during the entire day
and don’t havem the drowsy feeling that came on after
lunch and late in the afternoon. I’m much more productive
and feel younger!
—Jason Farber
works wonders. Prior to taking LimuZ my blood
pressure was averaging 150/90 less than 30 days
on this product I had my follow-up physician
appointment and my blood pressure was 120/78
in all of the 7 years I’ve been on blood pressure
medicine it has never ever been this low. My
physician stated if it continues like this on my next
appointment he will discontinue my use of the blood
pressure meds. I’m so grateful my wife got me on
this product I won’t go without it.”
—Arlen Morton
I have had symptoms of fibromyalgia which had
been getting progressively worse for about 2 years.
During this time, I also developed chronic fatigue.
I was very surprised when, within 1 week after I
began to take LimuZ6, my fatigue problems were
gone and I had energy. Within 3 weeks, the
floating pain spots were gone and my muscle spasms
had stopped. I am now exercising and walking every
day, I was even able to run a marathon in San Diego.”
- Mary Kelly
IGF-1 Anti-aging superfamily 95 Immune factors Essential
amino acids, fatty acids Glyconutrients Metabolic factors
Vitamins, minerals Enzymes
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.