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Wild Conk™ Super Immune Support

94,000,000 Biologically Active
Beta-Glucan Molecules in Every Serving

The Wild Conk is considered one of the most powerful weapons in fighting against illness and disease. Today we stand at a crossroads. Exotic virus and resistant bacteria are threatening our way of life. Governments are issuing warnings of pandemics. Medical treatments are proving to be ineffective. We now have the opportunity to take advantage of the very best of what science and nature has to offer.

The Wild Tawtnuk is grown on certain cone-bearing trees. It contains 94.000,000 biologically active Beta-Glucan molecules in every serving. It contains natural Germanium - an oxygen catalyst and one of the most powerful free radical scavengers found in nature. Wild Conk causes the body to produce a vast number of the specific immune cells needed to make proper use of the antioxidants found in the food you eat, and at the same time it provides a powerful source of antioxidant Germanium..

american dream nutrition wild conk

Ingredients in this incredible product:

1200% Organic Wild Tawtnuk Mushroom

Is super concentrated in its bio-available liquid extract form.
As a result, its therapeutic benefits increase exponentially.
The phytoceuticals of Wild Tawtnuk Mushroom have been widely studied by medical and pharmacological researchers in leading American research colleges and hospitals.
Today, after decades of medical and scientific processes, we’ve truly discovered why the chemistry of this remarkable food promotes so many health benefits.

"I am convinced that the Wild Tawtnuk Mushroom plus essential oils formula, will, without a doubt, entirely eclipse every other natural health supplement ever produced."
- Dr. Landis, National Board Certified Naturopath

Black Cumin Essential Oil

Cold pressed from the organic seeds of the Nigella sativa plant, Black Cumin has impressive scientific research which shows it to have very beneficial anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. Long used as a traditional remedy for colds and viral infections, Black Cumin is a good choice to use against illness.
Black Cumin may be beneficial for:
-Strengthening and Stabilizing the Immune System
-Respiratory Ailments -Inflammation
-Glandular Swelling -Digestion
-Blood Pressure -Allergies
-Nervous Exhaustion -Poor Circulation
-Skin Conditions -Hypothyroidism
-Lymphatic Congestion  

The Black Cumin contains unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid and gamma Linolenic - all essential for a healthy immune system.
One of the most important components in Black Cumin is the volatile oil Nigellone which is known to be effective for bronchial asthma and respiratory allergies. It has the ability to expand and relax the airways, reduces the release of histamines into the bloodstream and works against allergic reactions. It has been shown that allergic symptoms are reduced up to 90% with long-term supplementation with Black Cumin. The saponin and nigellin in Black Cumin give it its appetite-enhancing and digestion-stimulating qualities. It acts as an antihistamine and pain reliever. Research on Black Cumin has focused on its positive effects on the immune system.

Scientists know that Black Cumin stimulates bone marrow and immune cells, raises the interferon production, protects the body against viruses, destroys tumor cells and inhibits infection. Research revealed that Black Cumin possesses antibiotic properties that act against a wide spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In sideby-side tests Black Cumin matched or exceeded the ampicillin's effectiveness in defeating gram-positive bacteria. Laboratory tests also indicate that Black Cumin may hold promise in fighting cancer cells.

The study shows that Black Cumin is superior to other medicines in many regards. It proved to be more effective than chemotherapy and radiation treatments - without their serious side effects. The Cancer Immuno-Biology Laboratory of South Carolina ran a series of experiments in which mice were infected with tumor cells. Two thirds of the animals treated with Black Cumin oil were still alive thirty days after being infected. In contrast, all the mice that did not receive Black Cumin treatment died within the same time period. Concentration problems are not limited to the elderly. The main causes are lack of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, stress, pressure and internal conflicts that lower the ability to concentrate.
Using Black Cumin regularly may ensure you will keep a clear head even in old age.

Lemon Essential Oil
From the pressed peel of the organic Lemon, this oil can naturally cleanse the body and aid in digestion. It may also help to support various stomach problems including cramps, heartburn, indigestion and more. The high vitamin content makes it powerful in aiding the body’s immune system. Lemon oil can help stimulate white blood cells, increasing your body’s ability to fight diseases, while also improving circulation throughout the body.
It may also be beneficial for:
-Digestive Complaints -Gout
-Respiratory Ailments -Arthritis
-High Blood Pressure -Eye Disorders
-Urinary Tract Infections -General Tonic

-Concentration and Focus

Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil

For over five thousand years this true organic Cinnamon Bark has been used as a spice and medicine. It is an immune stimulant and it has been found that viruses, bacteria and fungus cannot live in this oil. It contains powerful antioxidant capacity and anti-microbial benefits. Cinnamon bark is a powerful purifier, and enhances the action, and activity of other oils it is Blended with.
It may also be beneficial for:

-Flu -Digestive Complains
-Arthritis -Inflammation
-Rheumatism -Strengthening
-Circulation -Immune System
-Intestinal Parasites -Stimulates Memory Retention
-Increased Energy -Tropical Infections

It is beneficial for circulation, strengthens the heart, endocrine, and nervous systems. It contains powerful antioxidant capacity and anti-microbial benefits. It assists with increasing energy, is a digestive stimulant, beneficial for the digestive system in such conditions as motion sickness, diarrhea, ulcers, intestinal parasites, urinary infections, and helps the metabolic process. It is also beneficial for stimulating memory retention, tightens muscles, and combating acid conditions. Cinnamon Bark is a powerful purifier, enhances the action, and activity of other oils it is blended with.

Peppermint Essential Oil

This Organic first distilled peppermint oil may help increase circulation, open the sensory system, fight bacteria, inflammation, varicose veins, swelling and more. It can promote hair growth as well as balances the pH levels on the head for healthy and shiny hair. It has also been reported that Peppermint directly affects the brain’s center, which triggers a sensation of fullness after a meal.
May also be beneficial for:

-Colic -Palpitations
-Digestion -Ring Worm
-Circulation -Female Problems
-Inflammation -Flu
-Arthritis -Joint & Muscle Pain
-Jet Lag -Respiratory System
-Itchy Skin -Asthma
-Lice -Throat Infections

It stimulates the gallbladder, liver, female problems, regulates menstruation, hot flashes, and cramps.

Peppermint is beneficial for itchy skin, sunburns, arthritis, acne, dermatitis, poison ivy, scabies, lice, and ringworm.
It promotes hair growth as well as balances the pH levels on the head for healthy and shiny hair. Beneficial for liver problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, dispels pride, and feelings of inferiority.

Wild Sacred Frankincense Oil

Frankincense has been used for centuries as a general health tonic.
It may be beneficial for:

-Powerful Immune Builder -Fevers
-Beneficial for Inflammation -Circulation
-Colds, Coughs -Urinary Track Support
-Infections -Lung Support
-Flu -Detoxifier
-Congestion -Heart Health

How to use Wild Conk

Shake Well!

Put 3 droppers full/squirts* under the tongue, hold for a minute then swallow May also be used topically for pain.

*dropper fills to half only = 1 dropper full.

(1) - 2 oz. dropper bottle - 30 day supply.

Wild Conk™ 4000%
Immune Boost Statement

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Immune Boosting
Beta-Glucan Science

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Wild Conk™ Organic Ingredients

Concentrated Organic Essential Oils:
  • 1200% Concentrate of Organic Wild Tawtnuk Mushroom
  • Organic Black Cumin Essential Oil
  • Organic Lemon Essential Oil
  • Organic Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil
  • Organic Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Organic Wild Frankincense Essential Oil Hawthorne

Wild Conk Testimonials

Wanda M. -- "My husband and I have been using Wild Conk for the last 8 to 10 weeks. We have each had our blood lipids checked very recently at different locations. Since Gordon's last lab report of October, his total cholesterol has gone from 183 to 145: good cholesterol (HDL) has increased while bad cholesterol (LDL) has decreased: triglycerides are now fantastic and his HDL/LDL risk ratio has dropped from being too high to being in the desirable range. For a 78 year old who once had prostate cancer, he has great health and high energy.

I have a genetic tendency to high cholesterol and triglycerides. My recent blood test showed the best improvement I have ever seen in the 40 years I have been tracking this. Compared to my October blood test, cholesterol has dropped 43 points; HDL -- for the first time I can remember -- is in the normal range; LDL although still too high has dropped 25 points; triglycerides have gone from 316 to 182. Coronary risk factor is down from high to a near normal range. While taking Wild Conk my energy levels have allowed me to have more productive days and at age 71 that is a blessing."

Ken C. -- "This is my latest medical update. Prepare to be impressed/astounded! Yesterday I went to see my consultant for a follow-up visit following the work on my vocal chords. When I went into his consulting room I saw the amazement on his face. I think that he was not expecting any improvement in me. He was totally bewildered to find that I have made such a recovery! He ran a few tests which confirmed that I can now eat and drink normally.

He said that the nerve endings were completely better, but could not explain how this had occurred! He said that it was like a miracle. His final phrase was that the recovery was NOT due to anything the hospital had done... I left feeling secure in the knowledge that it was the Wild Conk which had done the trick. I am your staunchest supporter, and tell anyone I can..."

Monte H. -- "I had just gone through my third round of Interleukin Chemotherapy for Hepatitis C with absolutely no good effects when I first heard about Wild Conk. I was told that my liver was almost completely dead and that my heart could simply fall apart at any time. My doctors gave me zero hope of survival past two years. I obtained some Wild Conk and began taking it. Almost immediately I noticed a decrease in liver pain and my energy returned. After several months a scan of my liver showed considerable regeneration and recovery. Additionally, my heart showed no signs of damage whatsoever."

Darla L. -- "I have a serious breast cancer. Recently, because I opted against a radical mastectomy and chemotherapy, my oncologist wrote me a letter outlining just exactly when I would die and how. It was very disheartening. Since then, I have been taking Wild Conk orally and one of the larger tumors has reduced in size from the size of a walnut to that of a pea, and the rest of the mass has become soft and more pliable. I believe that, with the help of Wild Conk, I may be able to send my oncologist his letter back with my compliments."

Anelle L. -- "I have four children ranging in age from 8 to 15. I started them on Wild Conk several years ago. Although we live in an area that actually had to close the schools during a recent outbreak of Nile Fever, and also of Flu, my children (although they became sick as one would expect and want children to do), did not suffer with any illness longer than three days. I know of friends whose children mine played with who suffered for weeks with the flu, but not mine. I attribute this to Wild Conk."

Becky R. -- "I was diagnosed HIV positive when I was eighteen but had no symptoms until six years ago. When I began taking Wild Conk I was suffering horribly. No one knew just how long I could hold on. Now I am officially designated as a "False Positive Diagnosis". I couldn't be happier with any other label."

JV -- For over 10 years I have had a small raised growth on my upper cheek. It did not look abnormal and it did not change in size. Over the years I rubbed various "lotions and potions" on it - nothing happened. I had been taking Wild Conk internally for about a month when I heard people were having results from applying Wild Conk topically for various conditions.

I continued to consume Wild Conk internally and started applying it to the growth every day to see what would happen. Well, it started diminishing in size and depth almost from the beginning. Now almost 2 months later it is almost gone; I can barely see or feel it. I imagine it will be totally gone soon. Thank You ADN for adding Wild Conk to your product line.

Dorothy L -- We have heard many glowing testimonies of what this product does. I am impressed with the many benefits it gives. I count on it for my Immune system and for how it is rebuilding new stem cells. My testimony is about pain. I am 96 and do not have a lot of pain problems, but I had been hitting the screen latch on a garage screen door hard to get it to release and my wrist and hand started sharp pains. I grabbed the Wild Conk bottle and massaged it into the area and Voila, pain left in a few minutes. I trust it to support my system in many ways.

CD -- By the way, my allergies go off the charts when not using the Wild Conk. My wife is normally the first to catch a cold and bring it home. Since she started using Wild Conk, we have had no colds or coughing in our family.

Doug S -- I could not believe how after using Wild Conk for 1 day I could breathe out of both nostrils.
This was something I have not done in years. I cannot believe it!

Testimonial with Phytozon, Clear Heart, Wild Conk

My son got my dad's cigarette addiction. My dad smoked to deal with stress and my son picked up the habit to deal with stress. I truly feel these addiction issues run in the family. It isn't always drugs! But the drug of choice! I am thankful that this was his only addiction.

I have been on him for years. He will be 33 this year! I was always told pick your battles and finally I did give up saying too much. But as mom's do, I kept up hinting here and there.

My dad died of lung cancer. I saw him suffer greatly! I kept reminding my son that you can smoke for years and it hits you usually in your 50's or 60's. I believe my dad carried the cancer gene, his dad died of lung cancer also and I worry my son has the gene.

3 years ago after I became a ADN distributor I approached my son asked him, "If I sent him Phytozon & Clear Heart if he would diligently take them. He was just turning 30 and in a serious relationship and I explained how he had to take control of his health for his future and future family. The heart gets damaged as well as the lungs from smoking.

He has been very good about taking them and tells me he breathes better. He is a hiker and outdoorsman and said he can tell a huge difference in his energy levels how he feels overall.

When I started him on the Wild Conk and Stem Cell Release he called to tell me he quit smoking and he felt that those 2 products made him have no desire to want to smoke. I am grateful as a mom that he is taking his health seriously. He will be 33 soon and getting married in October! Mom's will always be Mom's! Florence A.

Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
American Dream is not responsible for any of these testimonies.
These testimonies are not the opinion of American Dream, but people's personal experiences.
Take as directed and always consult with your doctor or healthcare professional before taking any supplements

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