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Free Diabetic Resources

Welcome. When we first began our journey researching Diabetes, we uncovered a wealth of helpful information for Diabetes and Pre-diabetes. We were also amazed at how many people who weren't aware these types of resources were readily available to them.

Because the information we learned was so useful, we decided to create a free centralized location where (and any Type 2 Diabetics or Pre-diabetics for that matter) could easily go to access all of this information in one place, on a single web site.

You are now visiting that web site - Your Free Diabetic Resources Site.

We encourage you to use this site as often as you'd like. Listed below are the topics you'll find included throughout this free Diabetic Resources Guide:

  • A special report on understanding the real problem with Diabetes. If no one has ever explained to you how you became a Type 2 Diabetic or Pre Diabetic, you'll want to read this.

  • A special report on carbohydrates, and how they impact your health - both positively and negatively, as well as the difference between good carbs and bad carbs. Many of our clients have found this information indispensable in helping them determine what types of foods and liquids are actually good for them. Some of them may surprise you.

  • Signs of very high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), frequently low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), and what to do in each case.

  • Four recommendations that have helped many people, and more importantly, in some cases, even eliminate or reduce their need for insulin or other Diabetic drugs.

  • A special section on Getting Active, and the importance of increasing your physical activity to increase metabolism when beating Diabetes. This section includes more than 20 different activities a Diabetic or Pre-diabetic can choose from, and begin doing to increase physical activity, no matter what your current health status is. These activities are easy to incorporate into things you're already doing. There's something here for everyone, even those who are sedentary.

  • Understanding sugar and its real impact on Diabetics. This section also helps to clarify a lot of the misinformation about Diabetics and consuming sugar. It will enlighten you.

  • The truth about salt, high blood pressure, and Diabetes. Understanding natural real salt vs. The "salt" most of us consume on a daily basis. This report will open your eyes. It definitely did ours.

  • A brief, but insightful Diabetes quiz that you can take to test your knowledge of Diabetes, along with weight loss. - We believe that not only will you enjoy this brief quiz, but you'll also come away with a few great tips on beating Diabetes and weight management.

  • Our More Resources link - Other very useful Diabetic resources that can also aid you in your battle against Diabetes: A.) The importance of breakfast for Diabetics and the best foods for breakfast... B.) Two of the best foods for Diabetics - these might surprise you... C.) Understanding your A1C test results... D.) High blood sugar in the morning - what does it mean?... E.) Diabetes and weight management... Plus more.

To access each resource listed above, simply visit the website navigation menu at the top of this page, and choose the appropriate link. We hope you find these resources helpful. We also recommend that you bookmark this site (save to your favorites) before continuing, for quick and easy access when visiting your Diabetic Resources web site again.

Remember - There is no quick fix, magic bullet answer in beating Diabetes or Pre-diabetes long term. Neither condition developed overnight, nor will they be reversed overnight. While you can begin to balance your blood sugar levels relatively quick with a few natural alternatives... If your ultimate goal is to balance your blood sugar level for the long term, it will take time.

There are Diabetics and Pre-diabetics taking control of their health and beating Diabetes everyday... You just have to make the commitment to yourself that you're going to do it.

The knowledge and resources to achieve your goal are available, many at no cost. You simply have to develop a personal plan of action, start it, and stick to it. If you do, we believe you'll be happy you made the decision to get started.

We hope you enjoy reading our report, however we do suggest you read our disclaimer. All the material written in this document is provided for informational purposes only and is general in nature.
Every person is a unique individual and what has worked for some or even many may not work for you. Any information perceived as advice by must be considered in light of your own particular set of circumstances. 
 The author or person sharing this information does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or outcome of your use of the content.
 Every attempt has been made to provide well researched and up to date content at the time of writing. Now all the legalities have been taken care of, please enjoy the content.