7 Reasons Why You Should Drink a Green Juice
Every Day

Benefits of Green Juice

Green juices are the rock stars of the health world.
They condense several servings of fruit, vegetables,
and other superfoods into a single, easy-to-consume
drink. Because so much is packed into one drink, green
juices are incredibly nutrient-dense and have an impressive
list of health benefits.

That’s why they have so much appeal. There is simply no
other way to provide this many benefits and nutrients in a
single serving. Nothing compares.

Here are seven benefits you can expect with
Activ Greens a daily green juice.

1. Alkalizes the Body

Your body’s pH is like the Goldilocks principle. It can’t
be too acidic. It can’t be too alkaline. It needs to be just
right (between 7.35 and 7.45 pH).

Your body has natural buffer systems that keep it within
the ideal pH range. But when you drink alcohol or
consume processed foods it can cause your body to
become more acidic.

In response, your body has to pull buffering minerals
from elsewhere in the body to maintain your pH. This can
result in a wide range of issues including weak bones,
fatigue, stiff joints, and digestive problems.

Consuming plenty of greens helps maintain
alkalinity. And the easiest way to do that is with
our Activ organic greens juice powder . Activ Greens
contains a unique blend of the highest quality raw and
organic greens including, Oat Grass, Barley Grass,
Alfalfa Grass and Kamut Grass

2. All-Day Energy

When you’re feeling tired, what’s the first thing you
reach for? Coffee? A risky energy drink?

While some caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee are
perfectly healthy in moderation, they aren’t a remedy
for the real reason you’re tired.

An estimated 9 out of 10 people are lacking in key
vitamins and minerals. When your body is starved
of nutrients, it simply won’t work the way it should,
leaving you feeling fatigued.

Green juices are the perfect remedy. They provide a
near-instant lift in energy. And unlike caffeine or
synthetic stimulants, there’s no late-afternoon crash.

3. May Delay Aging

If you don’t eat a wide variety of vegetables, fruit, and
herbs, you are missing out on a key component of
wellness: antioxidants.

Antioxidants protect your body from oxidative damage,
which contributes to physical aging. Studies have linked
oxidative damage to the development of cancer, diabetes,
heart disease, and more. And the best source for
antioxidants is found in fruits and veggies.

In fact, an analysis of 95 studies by scientists from
Imperial College London showed remarkable
protection against a range of diseases when 10
servings of fruits and vegetables were consumed

Activ Greens contains a unique blend of the
highest quality raw and organic greens. This
protective benefit gives you multiple servings of
nutritious superfoods to boost your antioxidant

4. Improves Gut Health

Your gut is the foundation of health. It can be the
difference between depression and happiness . It
affects nearly every aspect of your health. That’s why it’s
critical to take steps to ensure your gut is healthy, and
drinking green juice supports gut health.

That’s because green juices contain digestive enzymes
and prebiotics. Some higher quality green juices even
contain probiotics, good bacteria that are recognized for
supporting gut health.

All these substances can dramatically improve the health
of your gut.

5. Enhances Detoxification

No matter how careful you are, your body is constantly
exposed to toxins. They can be found in drinking water,
household furniture, food, and the air you breathe.

All these toxins put a huge strain on your liver. Green
juices help because many of the ingredients can support
a healthy liver.

For example, studies have found that cruciferous vegetables
like broccoli can improve phase II detoxification in the
liver This means your liver will be more efficient at quickly
getting toxins out of your body.

By consuming activ greens juice every day, you can
give your liver a fighting chance against all the toxins
you’re  exposed to on a daily basis.

6. Supports a Healthy Immune System

Green juices are one of the best ways to support a healthy
immune system because they are packed full of nutrition.

Much like a car needs gas, oil, and lubricants, your immune
system needs specific nutrients to run properly. Nutrients
that must be constantly replenished. If they aren’t, things
stop working.

Zinc deficiencies, for example, can make you significantly
more susceptible to catching a cold or flu. A daily dose
of vitamin C is also a must to help keep your immunity
strong. Drinking activ greens juice every day is an easy way
to replenish the nutrients your immune system needs.

7. Bioavailable Nutrients

You may be wondering if you’re covered with a
multivitamin. The sad truth is, most multivitamins are
cooked up in a lab using harsh chemicals and solvents.

These “nutrients” are little more than artificial vitamins
which aren’t absorbed well.

Green juices, on the other hand, contain natural vitamins
and minerals in their most bioavailable form. With
nutritional co-factors and enzymes intact, they are easily
absorbed. Your body simply gets more out of a green
juice than it does a standard, run-of-the-mill multivitamin.

Many of the ingredients in green juice are also
shown to boost nitric oxide levels–an important
compound involved in cardiovascular health.
Go Green with Organic Activ Greens Superfoods

Green juices are one of the best ways to nourish a healthy
body. They provide a wide variety of nutrients that can
improve your immune system, energy levels,
detoxification efforts, gut health, and much more.