Generate A New Password 

Your password is stored on our system in an encrypted format, which prevents customer support from accessing any member passwords.

Fill out the form to the left and the system will automatically assign you a new password and send it to the email address listed with your account.

If you're having difficulty with the form to the left, please make sure that you're not entering both the username + email address, as this will confuse the form.

Also, if you've held multiple accounts that use the same email address, make sure to enter the username of the account you're attempting to access.

Forgot Your Password?


Forgot Password?

* OR *
Please enter the exact text from the image above

Not Working? Still Can't Remember?

If you are certain you have an account with AudioAcrobat but you just can't remember your Username, Password, and/or Email address, you can always contact a support representative.

Contact Support